Can A Swollen Prostate Cause Erectile Dysfunction

The prostate gland is a part of the male reproductive system. It grows cumulatively as men get older, and it is quite considerable. The condition in which the prostate abnormally grows is called prostate enlargement or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).  

In some men, the prostate enlargement can lead to urination difficulties. Its gradual growth can also give rise to erection problems and ejaculatory disorders in some. With a swollen prostate, individuals struggle to pass urine. They may also ejaculate very little, which can contribute to fertility problems as well.    

Though an enlarged prostate is not necessarily a precursor to prostate cancer, many of its symptoms are almost identical. Getting it diagnostically evaluated and seeking timely treatment will prevent major complications.        

What is prostate gland? 

The prostate is a gland that is the size of a walnut, located in the pelvic region just below the bladder and front of the rectum. It produces seminal fluid. It begins to grow during puberty. It continues to slowly develop bigger in all men throughout their lifetime.   

Usually, its growth will not bother men, as it is a natural process. An enlarged prostate becomes problematic when it starts causing trouble during urination and producing sexual difficulties.    

What causes prostate enlargement?

The abnormal growth and enlargement of the prostate gland can be attributed to some DNA mutations. The glandular cells start to unusually multiply at a rapid pace. The rapid proliferation and cell division in the prostate contribute to a sudden increase in its size.   

Compared to normal cellular growth, these abnormal cells divide rapidly. The triggering of the sudden growth can disturb the peripheral organs located in the pelvis. With the continual increase in size, the prostate starts taking up more space, which affects the functions of the surrounding organs too.   

Does a swollen prostate affect erection function?

The swelling up of the prostate gland can affect the urinary and ejaculatory function. Although the size of an enlarged prostate might not directly lead to erectile dysfunction, it can affect sexual function by causing pain, inflammation, and discomfort in the pelvic region.   

The person may feel pain and discomfort while having sexual intercourse. These might result due to friction, the prostate can put pressure on the surrounding organs, which gives rise to pain while penetrating. This might make them avoid sexual interactions. 

Abnormal growth of the prostate can impact the erection function and produce ejaculation difficulties. Those who underwent prostrate removal surgery might also experience the symptoms of erectile dysfunction for a temporary period. Their erection function will be restored after a few weeks or months after the procedure.     

Individuals experiencing erection difficulties can improve their erection function with the help of ED medications. Medications like Malegra FXT can help them in restoring their erectile function. These medications are composed of powerful stimulant that boosts blood flow to the penile and revives sexual function.   

When is the right time to see your doctor? 

You must consult your doctor when you start experiencing discomfort and pain around your pelvic region. These symptoms might be an indication that your prostate has swollen up. The likelihood of a swollen prostate is high in men who are above 50.   

In some cases, the person might not feel any pain or discomfort in their pelvis. However, they may face difficulties while urinating and sexual problems like erectile dysfunction and ejaculation disorders. If this happens, especially when the person is older enough, then it is time to see the doctor.  

Your doctor will suggest diagnostic evaluation tests to identify the exact cause of discomfort and pain in the pelvic region. Based on the reports, they will examine your condition, and prescribe appropriate treatment.  

Prostate enlargement diagnosis

Your doctor will conduct your physical examination first. They will recommend several tests for diagnostic evaluation. These tests include: 

  • Blood sample test: These tests indicate any issues related to kidneys.  
  • Urine sample test: This test checks for any infections that might have triggered symptoms that are like BPH. 
  • Digital rectal exam: The doctor will insert their fingers inside the rectum to check for cancer and other health problems.  

These are the basic tests. Your doctor will suggest several other tests that can confirm the exact cause of your swollen prostate.  

Prostate enlargement treatments 

  • Medications: The doctor will prescribe a combination of different medicines to ease the pain and discomfort, shrink the prostate, and alleviate urination and sexual difficulties.  
  • Surgery
  • Invasive procedures
  • Lifestyle changes   

The treatment may vary from one individual to another depending on several factors like age, the size of the prostate, symptoms, and overall health.